Privacy Policy Of Tribalforcex

Your Privacy Matters to Us

We value your privacy and aim to make your online experience both enjoyable and secure. We want you to explore the internet with confidence, utilizing its vast resources, tools, and opportunities.


Our company collects information in various ways from both Visitors and Subscribers who interact with our Services and the network of websites accessible through our Service.

This Privacy Policy illustrates our strong commitment to privacy and security. It explains how we gather information from users of our Internet Services (the "Services"), including those who access our Services without having an account ("Visitors") and those who purchase Products or subscribe to our Services ("Subscribers"). The policy details how we use this information and the options available to Visitors and Subscribers regarding its collection and use. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy thoroughly.

While we strive to protect against unauthorized information disclosure, we cannot guarantee that personally identifiable information will never be disclosed in a manner inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.


When Subscribers sign up for our Products or Services, they may need to provide personal information such as their name, address, phone number, billing information (e.g., credit card number), and details about their computer. This information is used to manage accounts, including billing purposes. It may be shared with third parties in specific circumstances, as outlined here.

If we collaborate with a partner for joint promotions, we might share personal information, like names and addresses of those who subscribed as a result of the promotion, to help offer additional products or services. Partners are restricted from using this information for other purposes. We might also create non-identifying and aggregated profiles from the data provided during registration to sell advertisements on our Services.

In certain cases, after a purchase, we may share contact information with our business partners, who may then reach out to you by phone. Sales proceeds are collected by the partner company. We might also provide contact information to other companies for mail offers we believe might interest our Subscribers, with or without compensation. Occasionally, we might send advertisements for third-party products, collecting the sales proceeds and forwarding your information to the third party.

Company Partners and Sponsors

Some products and services offered to Visitors and Subscribers may be provided in partnership with affiliates, independent contractors, or non-affiliated partners. These partners may need to collect and manage personal information to deliver their products and services.

Online Shopping

When you purchase products or services or register to receive materials (e.g., newsletters or catalogs) on our websites, you may be asked to provide contact information, such as your name, address, email, phone number, and credit/debit card details.

If you place an order for someone else, such as a gift, you may need to provide the recipient's information. We do not control how third parties use personal information you provide for such orders, so please exercise caution.

When ordering directly from us, we use your personal information to process your order and may share it with business partners involved in fulfilling the order.

Online Advertisements

We may display online advertisements and share information collected from the registration process, surveys, and promotions with advertisers. This information helps us tailor advertisements to the right audience. Advertisers or joint venture companies provide us with ads designed for specific audiences, and we use our collected data to deliver these ads. We may share personal information with these advertisers or joint venture partners.

Responses to Email Inquiries

When you send us email inquiries, we use your return email address to respond to your questions.